1, Oct 2024
Why Choose Spray Foam Insulation?

Foam Expert Group is a premium product that many homeowners are opting for due to its high R-value and energy efficiency. This type of insulation is made from polyurethane, a material that has gained in popularity in recent years as manufacturers make more eco-friendly advances to blowing agents (the gasses used to expand the foam). In fact, spray foam is one of the most environmentally friendly choices for home insulation on the market.

While fiberglass insulation has a relatively low R-value, spray foam products are able to reach up to R-7. This makes them a much better choice for energy efficiency and comfort in your North Carolina home or commercial property.

The Benefits of Spray Foam Insulation by Foam Expert Group

The primary reason that spray foam is a superior option for energy efficiency is its ability to form an air seal around the building envelope. Air leaks are responsible for 25-40% of the energy used to heat and cool your home. Unlike traditional insulation choices, spray foam insulation expands to fill all the cracks and crevices where air could be leaking into your property.

Spray foam insulation prevents drafts and helps to keep the temperature of your property consistent, even during extreme weather conditions. This means that you’ll be able to go days without running your heating or cooling system, which will save you on your utility bills every month.

With its powerful air sealing abilities, spray foam insulation also prevents humidity from settling in your property. This will help to prevent rotted framing and mold growth. This will save you money on costly repairs, as well as ensuring that your property is healthy and comfortable to live or work in.

Foam Expert Group
130 Industry St #39 North York ON  M6M 5G3

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